What causes cancers

You might have heard about carcinogens. These are substances that can lead to cancer in animal bodies.

Grilled meat, barbecues and even smoking aren't causing cancers.
if you look at the studies, they are not unanimous. heck there are very few studies on the subject and some are against grilled stuff some are pro.

But there are substances that cause cancers 100% guranteed (and humans eat kilos of it) : herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, glyphosate etc

I think that in the domain of cigarettes for example, that's the burnt "-icides" that has been used in the growing of the tobacco plants that causes cancer, not the plant itself
tobacco plant has been used for milleniums by shamans without any issues

if you don't eat organic and eat plants, you're gonna get a cancer 100% guaranteed. but it's so hard to eat 100% organic I know...

what are your thought on the subject ?


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