Re: The WEF Climate Change Agenda

Very important 15 minute vid looking into the research paper cited by the WEF, Greta, Kerry, AOC, Biden and all the other climate emergency doomsdayers - and guess what?

It's full of bullshit input data going into a bullshit model producing bullshit predictions. Who could have guessed it :eh:

Keep for reference, you'll need these facts to hand over the next - years.

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

Oh dear Greta, looks like things are cooling down.

''The AMO was in a warm phase from the 1920s to the 1960s, a cold phase from 1970s to the early 1990s, and then changed back to a warm phase in the mid-1990s. Although the index remains in the warm phase at present, it shows a slight decrease in the past 5 years, with the index dropping below average more frequently than in the decade 2000 - 2010.'' ... 2015/trend

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation index calculated by NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory
( ... A/amo.html
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Re: The WEF Climate Change Agenda

Ogee wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 3:55 pm Very important 15 minute vid looking into the research paper cited by the WEF, Greta, Kerry, AOC, Biden and all the other climate emergency doomsdayers - and guess what?

It's full of bullshit input data going into a bullshit model producing bullshit predictions. Who could have guessed it :eh:

Keep for reference, you'll need these facts to hand over the next - years.

At the WEF they worship Greta. She's the poster child of their agenda. Her disease: Global warming. And the psychopath Schwab plus WEF associates got the cure. Of course they are the ones sponsoring her.
But I agree with B b b b biden " We are at the p p point of no return". Yes, he brought us there and if he can continue his presidential disaster the global warming BS will be the least of the planet's problems.
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Re: The WEF Climate Change Agenda

RplusT wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:37 pm At the WEF they worship Greta. She's the poster child of their agenda. Her disease: Global warming. And the psychopath Schwab plus WEF associates got the cure. Of course they are the ones sponsoring her.
But I agree with B b b b biden " We are at the p p point of no return". Yes, he brought us there and if he can continue his presidential disaster the global warming BS will be the least of the planet's problems.
don't know if still the case but for several years one of Greta's key handlers, seen with her at all times, was one of the lesser known Rothschilds'.

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

''Now, as then, claims from renewable energy rent-seekers that wind and solar are truly competitive with nuclear, coal or gas evaporate the instant policymakers start talking about removing the subsidies that they depend upon; without which they would be bankrupted in no time.''

''A paltry two percentage points increase in an entire decade: In 2020, only 12.6 percent of global energy demand was met by renewable energies. In 2009, the figure was 10.6 percent. This is the conclusion drawn by the think tank REN21 in a report presented by energy experts on Wednesday.''

A two percent increase in a decade, despite trillions of dollars invested, is hardly a “success.” Die Welt has more:

''The fact that the share of renewable energy is not growing is bad enough from a climate protection perspective. It is also sobering that the 12.6 percent share of eco-energy is largely attributable to the burning of biomass, i.e., to a type of energy generation that is the subject of much environmental criticism.''

“Biomass” is a joke. It largely consists of shipping millions of tons of low-quality trees from the American South to Europe, where they are burned.''

In the REN21 report, solar and wind power, which are the focus of attention in Germany, together with geothermal energy, are estimated to account for only 2.8 percent of global energy production and are subcategorized under ‘other’. ... ever-will/

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

ADissident4 @Dissident4A
💥Climate alarmists like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, AOC, UN cannot explain why temperature dropped from 1940-80 as CO2 levels skyrocketed nor why is the current warming rate the same as the 1910-40 warming rate when we had far less CO2?
A: Because CO2 has no effect

There is very strong historic evidence that increases in CO2 levels do not cause global warming;

Re: The Climate Change Agenda


Main points in the vid posted just above, The Great Global Warming Swindle.

CO2 and global warming are correlated but opposite to the way Al Gore says.

The planet has been warming for the last 400 years since the end of what's called 'the mini ice age'.

Historic data shows increases in atmospheric CO2 lag behind increases in temperature by 200 years.

Increases in solar activity (seen as sun spot activity) lead increases in global temperature.

CO2 in the atmosphere does not cause global warming, it's global warming that increases CO2 in the atmosphere.

Warming of the oceans releases CO2 into the atmosphere. Mans contribution is miniscule by comparison.

The current fixation on decreasing man's CO2 footprint as an emergency is a fraud.

Main contributors to the video:
1. Professor Tim Ball - Dept. of Climatology - University of Winnepeg, Canada
2. Professor Nir Shaviv - Institute of Physics - University of Jerusalem, Israel
3. Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of Earth Sciences - University of Ottawa, Canada
4. Dr. Piers Corbyn, Solar Physicist, Climate Forecaster, Weather Action, UK
5. Professor John Christy - Dept. of Atmospheric Science - University of Alabama, Huntsville - Lead Author, IPCC (NASA Medal - Exceptional Scientific Achievement)
6. Professor Philip Stott - Dept of Biogeography - University of London, UK
7. Al Gore - Former Presidental Candidate
8. Margaret Thatcher - Global-Warming Promoter
9. Professor Paul Reiter - IPCC & Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
10. Professor Richard Lindzen - IPCC & M.I.T.
11. Patrick Moore - Co-Founder - Greenpeace
12. Dr. Roy Spencer - Weather Satellite Team Leader - NASA
13. Professor Patrick Michaels - Department of Environmental Sciences - University of Virginia, US
14. Nigel Calder - Former Editor - New Scientist
15. James Shikwati - Economist & Author
16. Lord Lawson of Blaby - Secretary of Energy - UK Parliament Investigator, UK
17. Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu - Director, International Arctic Research Centre
18. Professor Fredrick Singer - Former Director, US National Weather Service
19. Professor Carl Wunsch - Dept. of Oceanography - M.I.T., Harvard, University College, London, University of Cambridge, UK
20. Professor Eigil Friis-Christensen - Director, Danish National Space Centre
21. Dr. Roy Spencer - NASA Weather Satellite Team Leader
22. Paul Driessen - Author: Green Power, Black Death

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

The Climate Change Agenda: ''Lies Wrapped In Deception Smothered With Delusion.''

''The most effective deception was the claim that 97% of scientists agree. It is as false as the whole claim and was also deliberately created.''

''The academic source of the 97% claim came from John Cook et al., in 2013 under the titled “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature.” Lord Monckton dissected the claim in his comment titled, “0.3% consensus, not 97.1%.” He explains how the authors took divided 11,944 abstracts of articles into three categories using their own definitions.'' ... -delusion/

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

And the same neverending BS in the climate agenda.

They will not stop because they really do think we're all stupid.

CBS Mornings @CBSMornings
Today’s children are 30% less aerobically fit than their parents were at their age, a new study found.

The study points to climate change and rising temperatures adversely affecting childhood obesity, as children spend less time exercising outdoors.

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