by 18580198161
Believe me, my friend, the virus is terrible. It is spread mainly by saliva and droplets. The virus can live for hours in the air. Trust me, wearing a mask and goggles when you go out is only good for you! In addition, this time the virus works by invading your immune system, causing your immune system to mistake your lung cells for foreign invaders. The immune system will attack your lung cells and cause infection and inflammation. At the same time, your lungs instinctively secrete mucus, but you can't get enough of it out. Eventually, you are attacked by your own immune system, and the mucus causes you to be unable to breathe and eventually drown.
Large outbreaks in China, almost all the people to stop all social activities, do not go out at home, do not contact with outsiders, 14 days later, someone to go to the hospital infection, at home, no infection isolation, in time to go out, wearing masks, goggles, gloves, home to wash their hands, spray alcohol, Italy's friend, hope your country strong, our China pray for you, god be with you!
Now, China has a cumulative infection of 80932. But the number of people undergoing treatment was 17559, 3140 died and all others recovered.