Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

jjventural wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:01 pm Many thanks mladen, it would be possible to fully customize the indicator adding the following fields: first ma/method/price applied; last ma/method/price applied;colour up;colour down... both for the short and long ribbons????...Thank you...
That is not how that indicator works
Mixing up the averages types in that indicator would cause a confusion (value wise and possible market assessment wise) since the "middle" values can not be rendered to have some "middle" average type

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

mladen wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:48 pm That is not how that indicator works
Mixing up the averages types in that indicator would cause a confusion (value wise and possible market assessment wise) since the "middle" values can not be rendered to have some "middle" average type
Ok, but I think at least it would be possible to choose the moving averages ("3,8,12,15".. to "20,25...."), the kind (ema, sma,...same for all moving averges), price(close, lwma,...) and also colour up/downfor each of the ribbons... to customize a bit better the guppys... Don't you think so?......(see indicator attached).... Or at least let me have the indicator in open source to customize it for my needs... Thank you...

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

jjventural wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:35 am Ok, but I think at least it would be possible to choose the moving averages ("3,8,12,15".. to "20,25...."), the kind (ema, sma,...same for all moving averges), price(close, lwma,...) and also colour up/downfor each of the ribbons... to customize a bit better the guppys... Don't you think so?......
For something similar to that you can use averages rainbow
Guppy MMA has it's rules and this is how Daryl Guppy explains it :
The GMMA is composed of two separate sets of exponential moving averages (EMAs). The first set has EMAs for the prior three, five, eight, 10, 12 and 15 trading days. Daryl Guppy, the Australian trader and inventor of the GMMA, believed that this first set highlights the sentiment and direction of short-term traders. A second set is made up of EMAs for the prior 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 days; if adjustments need to be made to compensate for the nature of a particular currency pair, it is the long-term EMAs that are changed. The second set is supposed to show longer-term investor activity.
The deviation (obviously) is that we have one instead of two indicators and that we can chose average types. The periods are as defined by Daryl Guppy, who also tells the following :

Join established trends at points of price weakness
Join established trends breaking to new highs
Trade breakouts using rally dips and rebounds
Trade downtrend rallies as rallies rather than trend breaks
Recognise trend breaks as they develop


Degree and nature of separation in the long term group define trend strength and weakness
Degree and nature of separation in the short term group define the nature of trading activity.
Degree and nature of separation between the two groups of moving averages define the character of the trend.
Compression shows agreement on price and value.
Compression of both groups at the same time indicate major re-evaluation of stock and potential for a trend change
Trade in the direction of the long term group of averages
The relationships between the groups provide the necessary information about the nature and character of the trend.
Do not use as a moving average crossover tool


Enables effective analysis of the trend environment
Improves selection of the appropriate trading tactics
Better understanding of trend strength
Effective evaluation of unusual price movements, such as dips and spikes
Effective understanding of trading activity and behaviour


Not effectively applied to trend less stocks
Cannot be applied to all trending stocks
Do not use as a moving average crossover signal
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Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

I have a question. Would it be possible to make this ribbonsplotter indicator for MT4? Sorry for the long thing, could'nt attach the txt file.

Code: Select all

// Method DisplayParam() requires 2X number of bars that are shown on screen to be loaded on chart.  Otherwise, will not calc correctly.
// May be simpler to just specific vertical value for the two labels, and input an offset for the text of each label to start.
Indicator:      _RibbonsPlotter

Description:    This Indictor plots various types of ribbons (multiple bands of deviation functions)
                around a centerline reference function.

Provided By:    MarkSanDiego

Updated:        02/18/07    original version
                09/14/08    fixed offset
                01/03/09    lower band function formula error correction 
                01/04/09    future projections added (FutureOffset = 1 or 2) 
                04/30/09    clean up and tighten code
                05/29/09    add display of input parameters on chart
                07/08/09    _BarsDisplayed function modified to minimize increase in MaxBarsBack
                            cause by back referencing to print chart labels after LastBarOnChart
                07/10/09    WVAP added to centerline functions 
                08/15/09    _RibbonsCalc function modified.  Band calculations done within this indicator
                            rather than within _RibbonsCalc, as strategies will also use _RibbonCalc
                            and strategies do not need calculation of ribbon arrays.
                04/11/10    added capability estimate next bar value of center line based on 
                            center line rate of change and acceleration.  This useful when used in conjuntion
                            with strategies that generate orders in Buy/Sell Next Bar at [value] format.
                06/02/11    Remove Jurik functions for forum posting.
                07/16/11    Replace function RibbonsCalc with local Method RibbonsCalc.  This avoids the added
                            complexity of sending a large number of parameters to function RibbonsCalc.                        
                01/01/12    offset calculation error corrected
                01/01/12    replace plotting code with Method PlotRibbons()
                02/26/12    include offset with JMA centerline calculation
                12/08/12    Error in label positioning on chart corrected.
                01/15/13    Improve labelling code.
                01/16/13    Add real time intrabar re-calculations
                01/28/13    Add display parameter offset
                02/23/13    Modify display parameters.
                08/06/13    Modifying position of display parameters to right justify against chart edge.
                11/02/13    Fixed bug with linear regression centerlines not recognizing the TargetBar input parameter

                { Reference Function (Center line) May be: }    
                0-Zero axis 
                1-AMA (Arithmetic Average)
                2-EMA (Exponential Moving Average
                3-LR (Linear Regression)
                4-Adaptive Moving Avg (Kaufman - KAMA)
                5-T3 Triple Exponential Moving Average
                6-JMA Juric Moving Average or
                8-Fixed Value

                { Deviation Function (Band or Ribbons) may be: } 

                1-Standard Deviation (Bollinger Bands)
                2-Standard Error
                3-ATR (Average True Range - Keltner Bands) 
                4 JMA True Range (ATR using Jurik Moving Avg)
                5-Pct (Percentage)

[LegacyColorValue = true]; 



    AMALength(15),                  { arithmetic moving average length }
    EMALength(15),                  { exponential moving average length }
    LRLength(300),                  { linear regression function length }
    LRTgtBar(0),                    { linear regression function target bar.  Use negative Value1 to project into future. }
    KAMA_EffRatioLen(7),            { Kaufman adaptive moving average parameters }
    KAMA_FastLength(2),             { Kaufman adaptive moving average parameters }
    KAMA_SlowLength(25),            { Kaufman adaptive moving average parameters }
    VWAP_("No Param RefID = 7"),

    DevID(2),                       { deviation function identifier }
    StdDevLength(0),                { standard deviation length }
    StdErrLength(0),                { standard error length }
    ATRLength(14),                  { average true range length }
    JATRLength(14),                 { percentage }

    NBands(5),                      { maximum 8 }
    ShowCenterLineTrendColor(false), { color centerline indicating direction of trend }
    DisplayParameters(true),         { display chart parameters }
    RefTextHeightPct(30),            { Reference Text info vertical height % }
    DevTextHeightPct(20),            { Deviation Text info vertical height % }
    DisplayParamOffset(4),           { Display parameters offset }
    CLTextColor(yellow),             { center line parameters text display color }
    DevTextColor(cyan),              { deviation parameters text display color }
    RefVertPct(8),                   { vertical position in chart range percent for center line parameter display }
    DevVertPct(3),                   { vertical position in chart range percent for deviation parameter display }
    int CalcSeconds(10);


    intrabarpersist UpperCL(0), 
    intrabarpersist LowerCL(0),  
    intrabarpersist UpperDev(0), 
    intrabarpersist LowerDev(0),
    Intrabarpersist DevLength(0),
    { function LinearRegFaster variables }
    oLRSlope( 0), 
    oLRAngle( 0), 
    oLRIntercept(0),                             { left intercept, value of beginning of LR line (at offset of [ Length - 1 ] bars }
    { _StdDevMean variables }

    { chart display parameters }
    Intrabarpersist BS(0),
    Intrabarpersist LastBar(false),
    Intrabarpersist Calc(false),
    intrabarpersist string Text1(""),        
    intrabarpersist string Text2(""),
    intrabarpersist TextID1(0),
    intrabarpersist TextID2(0),
    intrabarpersist TextVertPct1(RefVertPct),    { percentage of range to display Text1 }
    intrabarpersist TextVertPct2(DevVertPct),    { percentage of range to display Text1 }
    intrabarpersist TextVert1(0),                { vertical Value1 at which to Display Text1 }
    intrabarpersist TextVert2(0),                { vertical Value1 at which to Display Text2 }
    intrabarpersist DisplayHigh(0),
    intrabarpersist DisplayLow(0),
    intrabarpersist DisplayRange(0),             { vertical Range of chart }
    Intrabarpersist MidRange(0),                 { vertical middle of charting }
//    intrabarpersist TextLength1(0),
//    intrabarpersist TextLength2(0),
//    intrabarpersist TextLengthMax(0),
    { variables for method RibbonCalc }
    { if StdDevLength or StdErrLength = 0, then set length same as linear regression center line length (LRLength) }
    SDLength(MaxList(iff(StdDevLength > 2, StdDevLength, LRLength), 2)),        { standard deviation requires minimum length of 2 }
    SELength(MaxList(iff(StdErrLength > 3, StdErrLength, LRLength), 3));        { standard error requires minimum length of 3 }

var: elsystem.Timer Timer1( NULL );

Method override void InitializeComponent()
    Timer1 = new elsystem.Timer;
    Timer1.Interval = CalcSeconds * 1000;
    Timer1.AutoReset = true;
    Timer1.Enable = true;
    Timer1.Name = "Timer1";
    Timer1.elapsed += Timer1_Elapsed;  
{ run once every CalcSeconds seconds}
Method void Timer1_Elapsed( elsystem.Object sender, elsystem.TimerElapsedEventArgs args ) 
         //BS = -1;            { all timer generated executions associated with BarStatus(1) = -1 (undefined) }
        Calc = true;        

Method void RibbonsCalc()
    switch RefID begin
        Case 0:
            UpperCL = UpperBandsRef[Offset];
        case 1:
            UpperCL = AverageFC(UpperBandsRef[Offset], AMALength);
        case 2:
            UpperCL = _XAverage.Simple(UpperBandsRef[Offset], EMALength);
        case 3:
             Value1 = _LinearRegFaster(UpperBandsRef[Offset], LRLength, LRTgtBar, oLRSlope, oLRAngle, oLRIntercept, UpperCL );
        case 4:
            UpperCL = _KAMA(UpperBandsRef[Offset],  KAMA_EffRatioLen, KAMA_FastLength, KAMA_SlowLength);
        case 5:
            UpperCL = T3Average.Simple(UpperBandsRef[Offset], T3Length);
        {comment out next 2 lines if Juric moving average not installed }
        case 6:
            UpperCL = JRC.JMA.2k(UpperBandsRef[offset], JMALength, JMAPhase);
        case 7:
            UpperCL = _VWAP;        
        case 8:
            UpperCL = RefValue;

    if LowerBandsRef = UpperBandsRef  then begin
        LowerCL = UpperCL;

    end else begin
        switch RefID begin
            Case 0:
                LowerCL = LowerBandsRef[Offset];
            case 1:
                LowerCL = AverageFC(LowerBandsRef[Offset], AMALength);
            case 2:
                LowerCL = _XAverage.Simple(LowerBandsRef[Offset], EMALength);
            case 3:
                 Value1 = _LinearRegFaster(LowerBandsRef[Offset], LRLength, LRTgtBar, oLRSlope, oLRAngle, oLRIntercept, LowerCL );
            case 4:
                LowerCL = _KAMA(LowerBandsRef[Offset], KAMA_EffRatioLen, KAMA_FastLength, KAMA_SlowLength);
            case 5:
                LowerCL = T3Average.Simple(LowerBandsRef[Offset], T3Length);
         { comment out the next two lines if Jurik functions are not installed }      
            case 6:
                LowerCL = JRC.JMA.2k(LowerBandsRef[Offset], JMALength, JMAPhase);             
            case 7:
                LowerCL = _VWAP[Offset];                   
            case 8:
                LowerCL = RefValue;
    switch DevID begin
        case 1:
            value1 = _StdDevMean(UpperBandsRef[Offset], SDLength, 1, oMean, UpperDev);
        Case 2:
            UpperDev = _StdError(UpperBandsRef[Offset], SELength);
        case 3:
            UpperDev = _AvgTrueRange(ATRLength)[Offset];
        { comment out the next two lines if Jurik functions are not installed }    
        case 4:
            UpperDev = _JMATrueRange(JATRLength)[Offset];
        case 5:
            UpperDev = UpperBandsRef[Offset] * Percent / 100; 
        case 6:
            UpperDev = Pts;
    if LowerBandsRef = UpperBandsRef then begin
        LowerDev = UpperDev;

    end else begin
        switch DevID begin  
            case 1:
                value1 = _StdDevMean(LowerBandsRef[Offset], SDLength, 1, oMean, LowerDev);  
            Case 2:
                LowerDev = _StdError(LowerBandsRef[Offset], SELength);
            case 3:
                LowerDev = UpperDev;  
            case 4:
                LowerDev = UpperDev;  
            case 5:
                LowerDev = LowerBandsRef[Offset] * Percent / 100; 
            case 6:
                LowerDev = Pts;

end;        { Method RibbonCalc }

Method void LoadBandsArray()
        {  ROUND OFF to tradeable value } 
        if RoundToTradable then begin            { with rounding }
            for n = 1 to NBands begin
                   x = StartMult + (n - 1) * Increment;
                   UpperBand[n] = Round2Fraction(UpperCL + x * UpperDev + AddMinus);
                   LowerBand[n] = Round2Fraction(LowerCL - x * LowerDev + AddMinus);
               UpperBand[0] = Round2Fraction(UpperCL);
               LowerBand[0] = Round2Fraction(LowerCL);
        end else begin                          { no rounding off } 
            for n = 1 to NBands begin
                x = StartMult + (n - 1) * Increment;
                UpperBand[n] = UpperCL + x * UpperDev + AddMinus;
                LowerBand[n] = LowerCL - x * LowerDev + AddMinus;
            UpperBand[0] = UpperCL;
            LowerBand[0] = LowerCL;
    end;        { Method LoadBandsArray }

Method void InitializeTextLabels()
        { Reference function parameters }   
        switch RefID begin
            Case 0:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     " & "Zero axis";
            Case 1:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     " & "AMA   " & NumToStr(AMALength, 0);
            Case 2:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "EMA   " & NumToStr(EMALength, 1);                
            Case 3:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "LinReg   " & NumToStr(LRLength, 0) 
                    & "  Offset " & NumToStr(Offset,0) & "  oTgtBar " & NumToStr(LRTgtBar, 0);
            Case 4:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "KAMA   " & NumToStr(KAMA_EffRatioLen, 1) 
                    & ", " & NumToStr(KAMA_FastLength, 1) & ", " & NumToStr(KAMA_SlowLength, 1);
            Case 5:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "T3  " & NumToStr(T3Length, 0);
            Case 6:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "JMA   " & NumToStr(JMALength, 0) & "  Phase " & NumToStr(JMAPhase, 0);
            Case 7:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "VWAP";                    
            Case 8:
                Text1 = "Center Line:     "  & "Value = " & NumToStr(RefValue, 1);
        end;    { switch RefID }
        { Deviation function parameters }
        switch DevID begin
            Case 1:
                { if no length specified, use length of reference function }
                Text2 = "Deviation:     " & "Std Dev " & NumToStr(SDLength, 0) & "   Mult: " & NumToStr(StartMult,1);
            Case 2:
                { if no length specified, use length of reference function }
                Text2 = "Deviation:     " & "Std Err " & NumToStr(SELength, 0) & "   Mult: " & NumToStr(StartMult,1);
            Case 3:
                Text2 = "Deviation:     " & "ATR " & NumToStr(ATRLength, 0) & "   Mult: " & NumToStr(StartMult,1);
            Case 4:
                Text2 = "Deviation:     " & "JURIC ATR " & NumToStr(JATRLength, 0) & "   Mult: " & NumToStr(StartMult,1);
            Case 5:
                Text2 = "Deviation:     " & "Percent " & NumToStr(Percent, 1) & "   Mult: " & NumToStr(StartMult,1);
            Case 6:
                Text2 = "Deviation:     " & "Points " & NumToStr(Pts, 2) & "   Mult: " & NumToStr(StartMult,1);
        end;    { switch DevID }
        TextID1 = Text_New(0, 0, 0, Text1);
        TextID2 = Text_New(0, 0, 0, Text2);
        value1 = Text_SetColor(TextID1, CLTextColor);
        value2 = Text_SetColor(TextID2, DevTextColor);
        Value1 = Text_SetStyle(TextID1, 1, 2) ;         { center vertically and horizontally }
        Value1 = Text_SetStyle(TextID2, 1, 2) ;         { center vertically and horizontally }
        TextLength1 = StrLen(Text1);
        TextLength2 = StrLen(Text2);
        TextLengthMax = MaxList(TextLength1, TextLength2) + DisplayParamOffset;
    end;    { Method InitializeTextLabels }

Method void DisplayParam()

        DisplayHigh = GetAppInfo( aiHighestDispValue ) ;
        DisplayLow = GetAppInfo( aiLowestDispValue ) ;
        DisplayRange = DisplayHigh - DisplayLow;
        MidRange = (DisplayHigh + DisplayLow)/2;
        { Place label away from price action }
        If Close > MidRange then begin
            TextVert1 = DisplayLow + 0.01 * TextVertPct1 * DisplayRange;
            TextVert2 = DisplayLow + 0.01 * TextVertPct2 * DisplayRange;
        End else begin
            TextVert1 = DisplayHigh - 0.01 * TextVertPct2 * DisplayRange;
            TextVert2 = DisplayHigh - 0.01 * TextVertPct1 * DisplayRange;                
       Text_SetLocation(TextID1, Date[DisplayParamOffset], Time[DisplayParamOffset], TextVert1) ;
       Text_SetLocation(TextID2, Date[DisplayParamOffset], Time[DisplayParamOffset], TextVert2) ;
    end;        { Method DisplayParam }

Method void PlotRibbons()
       { PLOTTING }
        If NBands >= 1 Then Begin
            Plot8(UpperBand[1],"Hi-1", default, default, PlotWidth);
            Plot10(LowerBand[1],"Lo-1", default, default, PlotWidth);
            If NBands >=2 Then Begin
                Plot7(UpperBand[2],"Hi-2", default, default, PlotWidth);
                Plot11(LowerBand[2],"Lo-2", default, default, PlotWidth);
                If NBands >=3 Then Begin
                    Plot6(UpperBand[3],"Hi-3", default, default, PlotWidth);
                    Plot12(LowerBand[3],"Lo-3", default, default, PlotWidth);
                    If NBands >= 4 Then Begin
                        Plot5(UpperBand[4],"Hi-4", default, default, PlotWidth);
                        Plot13(LowerBand[4],"Lo-4", default, default, PlotWidth);
                        If NBands >= 5 Then Begin
                            Plot4(UpperBand[5],"Hi-5", default, default, PlotWidth);
                            Plot14(LowerBand[5],"Lo-5", default, default, PlotWidth);
                            If NBands >=6 Then Begin
                                Plot3(UpperBand[6], "Hi-6", default, default, PlotWidth);
                                Plot15(LowerBand[6],"Lo-6", default, default, PlotWidth);
                                If NBands >=7 Then Begin
                                    Plot2(UpperBand[7],"Hi-7", default, default, PlotWidth);
                                    Plot16(LowerBand[7],"Lo-7", default, default, PlotWidth);
                                    If NBands >=8 Then Begin
                                        Plot1(UpperBand[8],"Hi-8", default, default, PlotWidth);
                                        Plot17(LowerBand[8],"Lo-8", default, default, PlotWidth);
        if ShowCenterLine then begin
            Plot9(UpperCL[0], "URef", default, default, PlotWidth);
            If LowerCL[0] <> UpperCL[0] Then Plot18(LowerCL[0], "LRef", default, default, PlotWidth); 

        if ShowCenterLineTrendColor then begin
            if (UpperBand[0] - UpperBand[0][1]) >= 0 then 
                SetPlotColor[1](9, green)
                SetPlotColor[1](9, red);
            if LowerBand[0] <> UpperBand[0] then begin
                if (LowerBand[0] - LowerBand[0][1]) >= 0 then 
                    SetPlotColor[1](18, green)
                    SetPlotColor[1](18, red);
        if Smooth > 0 then Plot21(Average(Price, Smooth), "Smooth Price");
        // if Smooth > 0 then Plot21(JRC.JMA.2k(Price, Smooth,0), "Smooth Price");    // may use this line if Jurik Moving Average functions are installed

    end;        { Method PlotRibbons }

#region Main Program
    BS = BarStatus(1);
    once(_LastBarOnChart) begin
        LastBar = true;
    Switch BS begin
        Case 1:
            #region Every Tick Processing
                #region Triggered Calculations
                    { Calculate immediately at start of real time data } 
                        once Calc = true;      

                    { ReCalculate and Plot once every CalcSeconds during real time data }
                        If Calc then begin  
                            #region Calculate Ribbons
                            { load center line and deviations into arrays }
                            #region Load Bands Array    
                            #region PlotRibbons
                            #region Display Parameter info
                                if DisplayParameters and LastBar then begin
                            Calc = false; 
                #endregion;        { Triggered Calculations }                      
                #endregion    { Tick Processing }

        Case 2:
            #region EndOfBar Processing        
                Once InitializeTextLabels();
                #region Calculate Ribbons
                { load center line and deviations into arrays }
                #region Load Bands Array    
                #region PlotRibbons
            #endregion    { EndOfBar Processing }
            #region LastBar Processing
                #region Display Parameter info
                    if DisplayParameters and LastBar then begin
#endregion        { Main Program }

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