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Re: МТ4 Trading Systems: TRADE EXPRESS

amdudus, Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:57 pm

Trade in the style of Zen
Most traders think that by developing their trading system, they at once solved all the problems. Work will now go like clockwork, and profits will flow into the pocket of a deep river.
Reality very quickly returns people from heaven to earth, and they realize that the path to mastery is a long way to life.
If you have already managed to understand this, then you have a very long and difficult path ahead of you. To help you accelerate the path to long-term success in trading, let's look at trading a little with a different, than traditionally accepted, side.
We are so accustomed to blaming all of our troubles and life failures of anyone and everything, up to the weather conditions, just not ourselves, not our own listlessness of mind and low efficiency of work. This can also be called "the behavior of the eternal victim."
Our society was built on this model of behavior. Sometimes we are so convinced that we are completely at the mercy of external circumstances and events, that we forget about the very essence of our being.
Everything that happens to you on the market reflects your thinking and consciousness. Buddhism will tell about the clarity of the mind, which will open the way to effective trading on Forex.
Intraday trading is an activity that is somewhat akin to the sport of higher achievements. In particular, they are similar to the high intensity of loads during the trading day, when we are required to process and analyze huge volumes of information with maximum speed and efficiency and at the same time remain calm and dispassionate.
We all know that, ideally, we must continuously preserve the clarity of thought and clarity of mind, remaining as focused, disciplined and objectively as possible. After all, during the trading day, you need to monitor almost every second-changing situation and choose what has a direct bearing on the adoption of trade decisions, while maintaining the truth of Buddhist tranquility and confidence in their actions.
However ... For most traders, reality is very different from ideal: psychological overload, constant stress, self-doubt, their actions and decisions, constant negative internal dialogues and conflicts do not allow to act with maximum efficiency.
There is nothing. No black, no white, no sweet, no salty, no hot, no cold. There is only what we think about it ...
Surely everything written above to many of you is very familiar.
So, we have got to the bottom of the question: how can the Buddhist teaching greatly benefit your trade and your life in general?
Your reality, including everything that you perceive outside of you, is not the result of some independently occurring process, formed by external circumstances, over which you have no control. What you see around you is a reflection of what is happening inside you.
In other words, absolutely everything that surrounds you and with you happens in life (including the results of trading) was created by you. To many, this idea may seem rather unpleasant.
This is precisely the teaching of Buddhism. He teaches that each of us is and must perceive ourselves as part of the universe, and not live in this universe as a separate entity. A commonality, not an opposition, where we must always struggle with the aggressive external world and the circumstances that try to subordinate us to our will. Relying on this idea, you can get rid of false concepts and illusions that keep you in a world of subconscious inner conflict and in a state of helplessness. Overcome the constant emotional stress and stress, gain stability, get rid of psychological discomfort in the process of trading. But the main task is to understand yourself.
It is awareness that leads to more effective solutions. Without this, you constantly go against your inner nature, continuously opposing everything that surrounds you.This struggle causes you pain and suffering that you could avoid if you only understood yourself better, exhausted psychologically and physically. It took me quite a few years to understand this, and then to translate this idea into an independent formula that can improve not only trade, but also the quality of life in general. From these considerations my own method of work was born.
Buddhism teaches us to understand our true nature. He teaches us how we create our external reality from within. He teaches us the art of awareness through self-observation. Buddhism teaches us how we can discover the invisible, but eternal and absolute truths of the world, becoming quietly still and mentally retreating into the interior.
Yes. Traditionally, trading was considered a linearly consistent occupation. The idea of strict discipline and strict rules, despite everything, was the main guarantee of success in trade. Emotions are the enemy of an effective trader who must work as a soulless machine.
However, there are two small problems in this approach:
1. Nothing in the universe does not act linearly. There is one law that underlies reality, and this is the law of infinite possibilities. In the strict sense of the word, there are no laws in the universe. We are the ones who create the laws of the universe.
2. We take as reality our learned patterns of behavior and patterns of thinking, deliberately driving ourselves into our own "Procrustean bed" of predeterminations, while in reality we have that part inside which is still free and open to all possibilities and changes. Here it is our true essence and true inner foundation. Most traders have no clue how to find this part of themselves that is deeply hidden beneath the thickness of the established stereotypes.
And this leads me to another important point, directly related to paragraph 2:
Emotions are the most important part of the human energy matrix. However, they need to be understood, and this requires us to be able to distinguish our emotional responses conditioned by established stereotypes of thinking from freely arising impulses that do not have the assigned content.
When the chains of illusions fall, you not only can see much more, but you will become much more stable internally. You can perceive market fluctuations detached, as if separating from the market, taking a step back, without emotional involvement in the process of trading, calmly react to what is happening. The mind becomes clear.
Learning to abstract from what is happening on the market is the basis of professionalism, and it's worth your efforts. When you stop identifying with the results of your profession and realize that the results of your trading, whether they are good or bad, have nothing to do with your true "I", but just a mirror reflecting the stereotypes of your worldview, you will have freedom. Why do you need this? And then, that in that case you can change your world map. It is artificial and plastic, we created it ourselves.
Will it save you from losses and failures? No. Errors are a part not only of trading, but also of the whole life. However, the ability to live beyond rigid principles has personally allowed me to find my own way of life and react to everything that is happening around much more calmly and detached.
Markets are a reflection of you, and you are a reflection of markets. It is very important to learn to see in this reflection what is really happening, and not what we want or expect. Do not give the market estimates, but perceive what is happening as a reality, stop fighting it and resist it. Move with him in the same rhythm.
In my opinion, this is the greatest benefit that traders receive not only from immersion in the study of Buddhist wisdom, but, above all, from understanding oneself. Their emotions, reactions, their behavior during the trade and not only. Buddhism is just one of the ways to awareness. Are you ready to learn calmly, detached and without appraising to perceive what is happening?
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